NIGERIA’S EVER REVOLVING PROBLEMS We live in a country where education isn't given any relevant value, crime goes around with shoulders high, where the masses confer status to criminals, fake politicians and what have you, just because our hard earned income isn't shared equally cause of the former . Now I see why it is hard for some people who seem to be sane act like illiterates, with poverty not just of mind and heart but of that of knowledge. Whereas when an issue is raised to benefit all, others find sentiments, religion, and ethnicity and so on and so forth to drag us back to dust. Until a day comes as bright as June 12 1993 was we would never see the deserved change, until our youth's put hands together to a focal destination and know "WE" can put an end to this mess and not just put our future akimbo. Until the youth's try to reckon with the past and learn from the mistakes made we move no further. Until we can stand firm and tell the governm...