Education is an important aspect in shaping up and building the mindset of humans. Through every stage in life, I have come to realize that the university system is a different dimension in total. In 2014, I was a calo, much of a dream gone in an overgrown parcel of land downted by patched structures. Days have passed as times are changing and my ambiance is looking quite like a decorated penitentiary. In the year 2014, I started my university life in Bingham University, located in New Karu, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Adjusting to a totally new life was a difficult task as every mode of operation is different compared to the primary or secondary school system. As at the time of gaining admission into the university, I always heard stories of how good the school was in terms of infrastructure and mode of operation.
Life as a student in general has never been easy, due to the fact that you could always sense and feel things trying to pull you down or rather unwanted situation like lack of water, power or the lack of some basic amenities could seek to stop you from achieving your set target for the day. At times, walking or trekking from your hostel to lecture halls seems frustrating, but life must always go on. The atmospheric condition or weather in Bingham University is also another daunting situation one should not think of experiencing. The reason for this is because, if the weather gets hot, rainy or cold, it is always to a maximum capacity as non of the seasons mentioned above seems to be balanced.
In every society, securing of lives and properties is the top priority of the government or any institution. As a new intake in Bingham University, I wondered why there was inadequate number of security personnel in the school as this was a necessity for every institution which desired to be safe. Days turned into weeks as weeks turned into months, the number of crime cases such as stealing and students manhandling students continued to increase. Due to inadequate security in Bingham University, it has left the university open to external attacks as this was the case last session when the school was robbed. The situation is hardly a problem anymore as the school through the management has found its way to providing adequate security in the school.
In conclusion, more problems could be pointed out, but despite the fact that Bingham University is a developing institution, it is no reason for failure. The challenges faced by students are only meant to make students stronger. Never forget that as a student, you are not meant to enjoy staying in school, but to endure the sufferings that life offers you, which in turn would lead to your glory.


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