You were created for a purpose and you are on a mission for a purpose. God didn’t give up on you before you were born; God had a purpose for you, so put on your strength and brighten your life with the light of God. The best thing that can happen to you in life is having God by your side, for life in Christ gives you fresh air, it is the simplest because life filled with grace can create a burning desire for God because only with Him can find your purpose. You cannot be in a vehicle and remain stagnant; same applies to your life in Christ. When Christ is in you, you can never be stagnant because He takes you to higher grounds. When Christ is in you, your life begins to change, thereby attaining new heights. You become like a container sent into the world, packaged to get results and bring back testimonies.

When you see people in certain levels and positions, you begin to envy them and wish you were like them. You also wonder what may seem to be the secret behind their success. One of the basic things with successful people is that they would tell you that it is “Grace” that keeps them going. They would also advice you that when you want something, you have to work towards getting it done. Many of us run away from the face of God and refuse Christ but just like my mentor “Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo” always says, “I don’t know why someone will reject Christ”. Re-brand yourself, take a new turn, move towards the right path, make your choice today, choose Christ, He is ready to come and fix your life. Cast all your cares on Him, “Choose life over death”, and always remember that “God created you for a purpose, find that purpose by spending time with God”.  


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